Article 3

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Dahlia Rodriguez

About my work

Dahlia strongly believes in arts and culture as vectors of social change. The promotion of the UDHR was a very special opportunity because the project involved embroidery and quilting: creative languages without borders used for centuries worldwide, especially by women, to express their deepest thoughts and feelings.
Dahlia used her profile as a basis for the embroidery in her block. The rainbow symbolises threats the LGBTIQ+ collective is still facing everywhere in this world. However, the rose colour of Dahlia’s voice and body is a reference to feminism, and a bridge to other craftivism initiatives such as the Pussy Hat. Dahlia used long stitches to strengthen her message. Showing her principles and commitment to sustainability, she reused old French linen and cotton threads.
Dahlia believes that working with more than 130 persons from over the world was the most important value of this initiative. ‘It’s an example of how powerful we are,’ she says, ‘because together we can make it happen.’

- Dahlia Rodriguez

Dahlia Rodriguez

About me

Dahlia Rodriguez studied history of art and management of cultural heritage in Valencia and development cooperation at Hegoa Institute, Spain. From 2004 to 2010, she worked as project manager in the fields of cultural development cooperation in organisations based in Argentina, France, Lebanon and Morocco.

Since 2009, she has worked on intercultural dialogue and women’s empowerment for international organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the North–South Centre of the Council of Europe and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). In this framework, she organised international events such as forums, summer schools, conferences and workshops.

In 2015, Dahlia joined Dialogue Café Association to coordinate international debates on social innovation, creative makers, human rights and intercultural dialogue. At the same time she started to collaborate with the Global Platform for Syrian Students, where she currently works. 

Her interest in traditional artisanship and cultural heritage brought new projects to her life: the Craftivism Lab, a digital lab to promote and share information about craftivists promoting social change; her own brand of textile creation; and Mus-Art, a research project aimed at promoting women artisans and enhancing artisan know-how.

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