Article 28

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Olisa Corcoran

About my work

I struggle with rage as I witness the even greater deterioration of the concept of human rights than I believed possible. I am unsure that making a painted, embroidered quilt block is a reasonable response to nativism and anti-refugee horrors. As a textile artist, I can’t help but translate this rage into something with colour and thread. But, to be blunt, I feel sheepish about the privilege of the act.

I’m from a nation built on a genocide of Native Americans and the capture, enslavement and labour of Africans. Many of us are refugees or the children of refugees, but so many have amnesia about our roots. We have wilfully fallen asleep.

Article 28 states we are entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms included in the UDHR can be fully realised. Yes. Yes. How can we make this happen? We must shake the sleepers. We must wake up.

- Olisa Corcoran

Olisa Corcoran

About me

Olisa Corcoran is an artist based in Durham, North Carolina. She is a third-generation ‘Nuyorican’ (member of the Puerto Rican diaspora from New York City). Working primarily with embroidery and painting, her art focuses on self-portraiture, women and texture.

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