Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Fraser Road
About my work
In Canada, many of us are lucky to enjoy freedoms that many other areas of the world do not. However, Canada is not perfect. There is a considerable gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples when it comes to human rights. One example is Canada’s residential school system.
My piece pays tribute to Chanie Wenjack. He was only nine when he was placed in a school hundreds of kilometres from his home. For over 100 years, some 150,000 Indigenous children were put into these government-funded, Church-administered boarding schools to be assimilated into mainstream society. Many students lost their native traditions and reported emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
When Chanie was 12, he ran away. It was October in northern Ontario, with snow squalls and freezing rain. Chanie had nothing but a cotton windbreaker and a small jar of matches. A week later, his body was found, next to a railway track he thought would take him home.
- Fraser Road
About me
Lee Stach, who creates by the name Fraser Road, is a fisheries biologist by training with a passion for traditional needlework and fibre arts. Raised in northern Ontario, Canada, at a very young age Lee developed a great interest in, and respect for, the natural environment. Lee’s interest in needlework started at a very young age, when she was taught cross-stitch by her maternal grandmother. Each embroidery piece Lee creates is heavily influenced not only by her interest and training in biology and the natural world, but also the traditional needlework techniques taught to her by her grandmother.