Article 25

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Dita Benina

About my work

I am a fat person. Every single day I get reminded by society and media that I am a lesser person because of that. A person with fewer rights, less value, less freedom, less intelligence. I get told that people who look like me should not exist. 

Sometimes fatphobia is sad, sometimes angering. And there is one area where fatphobia is dangerous, even deadly: health and medical care. Fat people get denied medical service or are misdiagnosed due to ignorance, prejudice, lack of equipment, lack of commitment to the Hippocratic Oath. I chose Article 25 to remind the medical industry and fellow fat people that health care is a universal human right. 

My embroidery is inspired by illuminated manuscripts. So beautiful and ornate—but when you look closer, you sometimes find a naughty scribble in the margin. For similar commentary on the Article I used images of an angel and a nurse, who, instead of a cross, has a line—a ‘No Access’ symbol—on her hat. I hope they make viewers think about the cruelty, illegality and inhumanity of being refused service by those whose job it is to help; about being let down by our ‘guardian angels’.

- Dita Benina

Dita Benina

About me

I started to study hand-embroidery seriously about eight years ago. I was and still am fascinated by this ancient craft and its purpose to make even the most mundane everyday things beautiful. I embroider book-bindings, so ancient manuscripts and illustrations are often my inspiration. Slowly I have also come to realise how powerful embroidery can be! Usually seen as ‘women’s’ way to make life more pretty by embroidering cute flowers on handkerchiefs and tablecloths, it has such an impact if used to make a political statement. This #UDHRquilt Project demonstrates it so vividly, and I am truly happy and honoured to be part of it!

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