Article 14

Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Kristy Thorburn

About my work

I was drawn to this project due to my commitment to social justice and passion for creative pursuits. The human right to seek and be provided asylum is a tricky issue in Australia right now, with our horrendous policies for offshore processing on Nauru and Manus Island. I’m pretty distressed about the psychological and physiological impact of indefinitely detaining people in detention camps and refusing to offer asylum in Australia for those who have sought help via the sea. It’s entirely unconscionable. I feel quite ashamed to be alive in a time when we are treating people, particularly vulnerable people, in this dreadful way. 

The materials used in this project were found from preloved sources, in order to place as little pressure on the Earth’s finite resources as possible. 

I hope those who see this project take some time to reflect upon how we can shake things up and make some big changes. 

- Kristy Thorburn

Kristy Thorburn

About me

Kristy Thorburn is a registered art therapist and accredited mental health social worker practicing in south-east Queensland, Australia. Kristy’s work includes working with children and families in creative ways to address trauma, anxiety and to help families alleviate life stressors. Kristy has worked with asylum seekers and refugees within the public school system and within several community organisations. Kristy is passionate about improving Australia’s response to people seeking asylum both on a human-to-human basis and within our federal government policies.

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