Article 1

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Amélie Frantelle

About my work

I originally wanted to stitch an illustration Jean Cocteau drew in support of the European Union. But in August 2017, a pacifist gathering against racism in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned into a tragedy when a white-supremacist ran over and killed Heather D Heyer, an innocent woman standing up for love, equality and tolerance. I changed my design the same day.

I chose to talk about misconceptions some people have regarding identity, pride, tolerance and equality, and how hate of others is still crippling society, by representing four strong, beautiful, fierce and proud black women, staring at you.

As a French person, I tend to idealise human rights (Article 1 is almost the French national motto), and seeing how it’s violated truly breaks my heart. The #UDHRquilt Project has been a brilliant way to connect and raise awareness and I hope this block will instigate a reflection about sisterhood, community and living together in tolerance and kindness.

- Amélie Frantelle

Amélie Frantelle

About me

Amélie Frantelle is a French embroidery artist who started to stitch around five years ago, when living in Paris. Since then, she has explored her craft while living overseas, lifted by the unique artistic atmosphere of Melbourne, or the wilderness of the Australian outback.

She takes most of her inspiration from other forms of arts (music, paintings, literature), as well as myths, ancient civilisations and graphical representations. The #UDHRquilt Project is the first collective craftivist project Amélie has been a part of.

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