Article 16

Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

About our work

What a privilege it was for Mogalakwena Craft Art Development Foundation to participate in the #UDHRquilt Project. Our Craft Art Village is 20 kilometres from the confluence of the Mogalakwena and Limpopo rivers, in the remote northern part of Limpopo Province where South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe meet. Mogalakwena is a metaphor for ‘fierce crocodile’ in local Sepedi language (mogala = coals; kwena = crocodile).

We discussed the project with the embroiderers. After a lengthy meeting to interpret Article 16 in the context of village life in the Blouberg area of Limpopo, we appointed Esther Makgato to draw a picture reflecting this interpretation. She made her drawing on fabric, and presented it to us. Another discussion followed, to finalise the drawing and to confirm the text, before the embroidery began.

This project was meaningful because it raised awareness of human rights and strengthened the self-esteem of rural crafters living in remote villages on the African continent.


About us

Mogalakwena Craft Art Development Foundation (MCADF) was established in 1994 by Dr Elbé Coetsee with the mission to create employment opportunities for previously disadvantaged women; promote and redevelop traditional craft-art skills inherent in rural communities, but which had become dormant due to poverty and lack of marketing opportunities; record and preserve indigenous knowledge of living oral cultures; nurture and develop creativity of children living in remote rural communities; market craft-art design products in selected retail outlets in South African and international locations to promote and market the products created by MCADF; and, promote research with the aim to further not only the understanding and knowledge in the field of anthropology in Africa, but also to establish a national and international awareness and appreciation of African culture.

Mogalakwena Craft Art Village is the creative hub of MCADF. The village is situated in the remote northern part of Limpopo Province in north-east South Africa. It is within walking distance of the neighbouring villages under the authority of traditional chief Kibi in the Blouberg area of Limpopo Province. This area is home to more than 1.5 million Northern Sotho-speaking people (Bahananwa, Babirwa, Bapedi and Batlokwa).

Other blocks about Article 16