Article 16

Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Amy Lanza

About my work

As a woman growing up in a multicultural family, I have always been a huge advocate for equality across all races, genders, and nationalities. Naturally, I was drawn to the message provided by Article 16, which espouses marriage equality for all. I chose to stitch the Article components in white so they stood out, and utilised the colours of the rainbow for the title to allude to the LGBTQI+ movement. 

This is my first craftivism project. I am extremely excited to join a group of diverse artists to bring awareness to disparities around the globe. Many of my embroidered pieces have focused on increasing a woman’s agency in an unequal society. While I believe we have come a long way in terms of accepting various forms of partnership, we still have a long way to go. Art—and the #UDHRquilt Project—has the ability to transcend differences and functions as a platform for enabling change.

- Amy Lanza

Amy Lanza

About me

I am a Taiwanese and Cuban researcher, crafter, soccer player, traveller, foodie, daughter, friend and fiancé. While this is my first craftivism project, I am very excited to participate and seek out more ways to make a difference through art. 

I am a digital user-experience researcher by day, and cross-stitcher and maker by night. While I have dabbled in various mediums, I have always come back to fibre arts as my main form of creative expression. My embroidery hoops feature sassy sayings and light-hearted musings, many of which are currently displayed in a few shops around Philadelphia. A Florida native, I have lived in Maine, Tennessee, New York, Washington DC, and my current home of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When I am not stitching, I enjoy exploring my city (mostly through food) and researching new cities to add to my list.

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