Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Maryanne Wollner
About my work
Much of my work centres around the right for people to have dignity and respect, especially those who face multiple points of marginalisation: women, children, Queer people, poor people and people of colour. This project let me focus on these rights, and create something personally meaningful.
It was important to me that the backdrop be a night sky, because it highlights the feeling that sometimes envelops us staring up at night: a knowing that though we are finite and small, we are also part of a vast, wondrous universe that wouldn’t be the same without us.
The world needs this quilt more than ever. In the United States, human rights are being threatened or stripped away. If you are free to express yourself in the place and life you live in, do it! Don’t take it for granted, and help others shine brighter whenever and wherever you can. Small things add up, stitch by stitch …
- Maryanne Wollner

About me
Maryanne Wollner is a curious, big-hearted, animal-loving Queer Person of Colour who has a huge love of fibre arts and textiles. She has never found a medium that has held her attention as much as embroidery. She graduated from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2012, enjoying photography, printmaking, sculpture, book-making, and creative writing. During the last term of school she began to develop an interest in needle-felting and wet-felting, later moving on to sewing and embroidery.
Maryanne has worked for Public Dreams Society, a community-based arts group, and has donated art to Art For Life, a local organisation that helps people with AIDS access various supports.
After earning a diploma in early childhood education at Langara College in 2014, she has worked with children in group-care settings for the past few years. Helping facilitate opportunities for children to be creative is ever fascinating and greatly rewarding. She is also interested in finding ways to help adults remember how fearless they were as children, creatively, and help them be free to engage in the process and explore new mediums.
Maryanne revels in any opportunity to be in nature and around animals. Based in Vancouver, Canada, she lives with her two cats on the unceded territory of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh people.