Article 25

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Andreia Schineanu

About my work

As a former refugee, the UDHR holds a special place for me. Health, particularly at the holistic level defined in Article 25, is the most basic of rights. It allows humans to thrive, not just survive. It ensures that when at our most vulnerable, we still have the necessities to stay healthy. Motherhood is also sacred, and the ability to create and nurture life is beyond wondrous. 

I used repurposed fabrics as I strongly believe that to maintain health for ourselves and our planet, we need to stop destroying her resources and reuse as much as we can. I let the words take centre stage, but made the stitching rough and uneven to reflect our relationship with health and wellbeing. Sometimes it is great, and other times we struggle. Illness and disability can be harsh, but even when physically we might be unwell, mentally and emotionally we can show strength and resilience.

- Andreia Schineanu

Andreia Schineanu

About me

Feminist, social worker, academic, researcher and lover of textile arts, Andreia Schineanu has worked with fabric and embroidery for over 30 years as a hobby, but has only recently brought her craft together with her activism. Originally from Eastern Europe, Andreia arrived in Australia over 30 years ago as a refugee. Since then she has made Australia her home but as her three children are growing up, Andreia finds that she is becoming more socialist in her views, embracing political ideals that address inequality and inequity around the world, and she believes that with privilege comes responsibility to act on ideals not just talk. A staunch feminist, Andreia sometimes uses her craft to create awareness or educate on issues close to her heart such as violence against women. Her first craftivist project was called Wagga’s Dirty Laundry and it featured the words of local children who experienced domestic violence, embroidered on children’s clothing. Andreia believes that the sisterhood of women has the power to change the world and she will continue to contribute to this process through her work, craft and activism.

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